It is said that the human being has a powerful guiding voice within; it is the voice of our intuition and wisdom. But this voice is commonly drowned out by the noise in our mind. The noise is often caused from chaotic or congested emotions from stress, depression, PTSD, or anxiety. In this workshop we will begin with a talk by Max, then move into a gentle breath-initiated movement sequence. In the second half of the workshop will focus on floor postures and breath-work to release the mind and body from long-held emotions that impede our happiness and our ability to sleep well. Bring your mat and writing materials.
About Max:
Born with severe clubbed feet, Max Strom spent much of the first six years of his life with his feet confined in plaster casts and braces. Today, he is known for inspiring and impacting the lives of people from all walks of life, teaching breathing patterns and personal transformation worldwide. His method, Inner Axis, is a system of field-tested techniques that are known to produce immediate results, impacting the emotional aspects of our life, as well as physical healing. Max has taught tens of thousands of students and trained several hundred teachers. His TEDx talk, Breathe to Heal, is approaching 1.5 million views on Youtube. Many know him for his two inspiring books: There is No APP for Happiness, addressing the challenge of finding meaning in the digital age, and A Life Worth Breathing, published in five languages and used as required reading in many yoga trainings. A dynamic speaker, Max has presented three TEDx events, keynote addresses at global government conferences, corporate conferences, wellness conferences, and countless yoga festivals. Most recently he presented at the prestigious World Government Summit in Dubai, the first Wellness Symposium in Saudi Arabia, and the Inner Peace Conference in Amsterdam. You can see more of Max Strom’s work on his home practice DVDs. Max is based near Washington, DC.
CHF 45.-
Anmeldungen via unseren Stundenplan oder über Um Deine Matte zu reservieren, bezahle den Workshop schon heute auf folgendes Konto: Thurgauer Kantonalbank Kreuzlingen, IBAN CH 48 0078 4295 4386 1200 5, Kontoinhaber Kinga Toth, Vermerk „Max Strom“. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt. Wir bitten Dich, die Reservierungs- und Stornobedingungen der Workshops in unseren AGBs zu beachten.
Ein Workshop hat im Vergleich zu einer Masterclass eher einen interaktiven Charakter. Grundsätzlich geht es darum, mehr zu einem bestimmten Thema zu erfahren und es durch direktes aktives Praktizieren zu lernen. Die Dauer eines Workshops ist ganz unterschiedlich und kann je nach Thematik zwischen zwei Stunden bis zu einem ganzen Wochenende dauern. Workshops sind für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene, die neben ihrer wöchentlichen Yogapraxis mal etwas tiefer gehen möchten.