A weekend dedicated to relaxing our posterior fascial line: the forward bend is introspective and represents a pleasant balance to the stimulating backbends and the asymmetrical twists that often follow the heart-openers. It is both physically and emotionally beneficial because it somehow brings us to our embryonic posture or primary curves. The "Superficial Back Line" as Thomas Myers calls it is a continuity of fabric from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head, through the scalp to the space between the eyebrows. Throughout the back body there are fascial fabric and ligaments designed to hold us upright. It is responsible for maintaining the curves or "bends" in the back body. This tissue of myofascia is stretched and revealed when we forward bend. We are opening up our “West”…
Along these 'landscapes' and lines (sutras) we will explore the world of our energy cones, the Chakra. The system of chakras developed in Tantra reveals to us the complexity of being a human being.
Connecting the Asana family of “Forward Bends” and the work with the Chakra, we will dive deep into the subconscious realm where we release the past in acceptance and gratitude for its lessons while being able to meet the present in full support and grace.
Let's bend into it, together with Geoff!
Mehr über Geoff:
His personal journey has been as a student of Yoga, Martial Arts, Tantra, Alchemy and many more over the last 30+ years. He has also been labeled a “Small Business and Corporate Manager” during his tenure in “the real world”. Geoff brings a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and humour (debatably!) to his sharings. He is a traveller, surfer and passionate about ensuring the gifts of nature are maintained for generations to come. Geoff lives the experience of Life similarly - with devotion to the path of intimacy, and comprehension that the journey has guidance, yet the pathways are limitless. His life experiences are rich with emotion, action and challenge. It is these experiences that has shaped the person who is the teacher, healer and scholar today.
Samstag: 14.00 - 18.00h
Sonntag: 10.00 - 12.00h und 13.30 - 15.30h
CHF 170.-
Anmeldungen via unseren Stundenplan oder über info@yogagrenzenlos.com. Um Deine Matte zu reservieren, bezahle den Workshop schon heute auf folgendes Konto: Thurgauer Kantonalbank Kreuzlingen, IBAN CH 48 0078 4295 4386 1200 5, Kontoinhaber Kinga Toth, Vermerk „Deep Dive with Geoff“.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt.
Wir bitten Dich, die Reservierungs- und Stornobedingungen der Workshops in unseren AGBs zu beachten.
Ein Workshop hat im Vergleich zu einer Masterclass eher einen interaktiven Charakter. Grundsätzlich geht es darum, mehr zu einem bestimmten Thema zu erfahren und es durch direktes aktives Praktizieren zu lernen. Die Dauer eines Workshops ist ganz unterschiedlich und kann je nach Thematik zwischen zwei Stunden bis zu einem ganzen Wochenende dauern. Workshops sind für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene, die neben ihrer wöchentlichen Yogapraxis mal etwas tiefer gehen möchten.