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TREASURES OF YOUR HEART - transformative workshop with Peter Harper

  • yoga grenzenlos 10 Hauptstrasse Kreuzlingen, TG, 8280 Switzerland (map)

The heart contains the capacity to love, to heal, to be inspired, joyous, grateful, to be fulfilled and abundant. In the right conditions, these aspects of yourself can be released to flow freely and enrich your daily life.

We’ve prepared for you a beautiful collection of conscious disciplines such as guided meditations, conscious movement, AUM voicing, heart expansion and zen self enquiry to heal and to reveal the transformative power of your heart.

To support this gentle, yet powerful process, some of the core sessions will be enhanced by enchanting poems by the Sufi master and poet Rumi. The magic of his poetry is that his words speak not to our minds, but directly to our hearts.

In the first part of this workshop, we will focus on the healing power of the heart. You will learn methods to understand, connect, accept and transform ‘mental – emotional’ patterns that are no longer supporting you.

You will deepen your awareness, heal inner unbalance and gently release any weights that are holding you back from the fulfillment of your hearts desire.

Building on the connection and clear heart space we established in the first part, we will delve into the transformative potential of gratitude.

By mastering the art of appreciating each moment from the heart, you open yourself up to receive abundance on every level, experiencing profound satisfaction and the inner peace that resides within you.


— 13.00 Introduction: Intention setting, sharing

— 13.30 Conscious Movement: Connecting to our authentic Self through body movement and emotions

— 14.00 Comfort Break

— 14.05 Heart Healing Meditation: Openness, Acceptance & Trust

— 14.35 Zen Self Enquiry

— 15.25 Sharing circle & Wrap up of the Healing part of the process

— 15.55 Comfort break

— 16.00 Heart Expansion Meditation: Connecting to Gratitude & Abundance

— 16.30 Closing circle + Aum voicing

— 17.00 End


— Connect to your authentic self, free from the constructs of mind or social — conditionings

— Experience the natural waves of love, inspiration, joy and peace that lie within you

— Learn how to release yourself from the limitations of internal patterns

— Develop skills in transforming energy from inertia into a healthy flow

— Learn how a state of a deep gratitude attracts abundance into your life

— Clear out the past and create the space to bond with your sense of aliveness and purpose.

© Copyright Peter Harper & Veronika Kremen 2023

Main Elements

Guided Meditation


Guided meditation supports you to achieve mental, emotional & physical clarity. The practice offers a stress relief and it positively changes the neural pathways of our mind.

You will be guided step by step to a state of being grounded in your presence, each and every moment, wherever you are and with whatever you are doing.

Self Enquiry


Connect to your authentic Self - your 'truth', free from social masks and conditionings. Transcend the thinking mind and allow fresh insights to arise.

This is a combination of the ancient Zen practice of contemplating a koan ( a question that cannot be answered by the mind) and modern self enquiry techniques of listening and connection.

Conscious Movement


Move, Breathe, Energise & Connect to your Authenticity

A Dance of Earth and Fire is an active meditation combining breathwork and movement to fill you with a fresh energy. The guidance will support you to connect to your authentic feelings, energise your state and fill you with love and gratitude.

Aum Connecting Circle - Voicing


Express your authentic truth with a sound and experience a deep connection with your inner self as well as with others.

Aum is the vibration of the universe, and by coming together in this sound, we create an energetic field of strength and unity. It is the experience of being deeply connected and nourished.

Heart Expansion


Connect with your vulnerability and let it become your strength in which you can discover your unique gifts!

Heart expansion is a gentle invitation for the heart center to relax and unfold. By using the breath and directing your attention towards your heart, it's akin to a flower being caressed by the light of the sun. Gradually, the heart will unfurl, releasing any tension or discomfort and ushering in the treasures of love and gratitude.

Sharing Circle


Discover a healing power in sharing & experience being welcome, appreciated and accepted - exactly as you are!

An open space to connect and share whatever is alive within you. There is a healing power in sharing. By connecting with one another in an open and safe environment, much can be released and healed.

Rumi's Poetry

Some of the sessions will be enhanced with enchanting and highly inspiring poems by Sufi master and poet Rumi (Jalal ad- Din Muhammad Rumi). The magic of his poetry is that his words speak not to our minds, but directly to our hearts. Instead of just reading it, we feel like we are directly experiencing the message he is sharing. We enter and inhabit his verses, and they take us to another realm that nourishes our longing for spiritual connection and universal belonging. Rumi's ecstatic poems have been inspiring people all over the world across different religions and belief systems throughout the centuries.

Über Peter
Peter is an experienced spiritual guide with more than 35 years of experience in self discovery and spiritual guidance. He divides his time hosting Meditation and Self Awareness Retreats and Workshops in Europe and creating Guided Meditation and Conscious Music recordings. Peter is a founder of The Drunken Monk project connecting spirituality with daily life.

Any questions? Ask Peter directly or check his media channels:
Insight Timer: Peter Harper The Drunken Monk
Instagram: @the.drunken.monk
Spotify: The Drunken Monk


CHF 95.-


Anmeldungen via unseren Stundenplan oder über Um Deine Matte zu reservieren, bezahle den Workshop schon heute auf folgendes Konto: Thurgauer Kantonalbank Kreuzlingen, IBAN CH 48 0078 4295 4386 1200 5, Kontoinhaber Kinga Toth, Vermerk „Treasures of the Heart“.

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt.

Wir bitten Dich, die Reservierungs- und Stornobedingungen der Workshops in unseren AGBs zu beachten.

Ein Workshop hat im Vergleich zu einer Masterclass eher einen interaktiven Charakter. Grundsätzlich geht es darum, mehr zu einem bestimmten Thema zu erfahren und es durch direktes aktives Praktizieren zu lernen. Die Dauer eines Workshops ist ganz unterschiedlich und kann je nach Thematik zwischen zwei Stunden bis zu einem ganzen Wochenende dauern. Workshops sind für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene, die neben ihrer wöchentlichen Yogapraxis mal etwas tiefer gehen möchten.