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Sacred Feminine Yoga: Nourish and Nurture your Bliss

  • yoga grenzenlos 10 Hauptstrasse Kreuzlingen, TG, 8280 Switzerland (map)

Enliven your feminine essence in this special workshop where Atira will share the practice of Sacred Feminine Yoga. This workshop is an immersion into the feminine approach to spiritual practices that focuses on nourishing your womb, ovarian energy, vitality and hormonal health.

This womanly approach to yoga will support you to feel more self - love, cultivate your female vitality and nurture you into celebrating your sensual embodiment. Sacred Feminine Yoga fuses together both Tantric Yoga and Taoist embodiment practices specifically designed for your female body.

More than just a yoga class, this style of yoga is specifically designed for a woman's body, and created for women who are ready to cultivate their sensual and instinctual aliveness, and journey home to the authentic feminine nature and power innate to us all. This practice encourages women to unlock blockages and stagnation in the body and allows space for emotions and feelings to be expressed so that there can be an unfolding of a deepening of vitality and pleasure in the body.

Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere created for you to feel safe and free to awaken your feminine body, nourish and replenish your feminine wisdom and sensuality.

Your workshop will also include:
Access to 3 Sacred Feminine Yoga videos where you can develop your home practice after the immersion.

What past participants have shared about the practice:
"Feminine yoga with Atira is the most profound thing I have ever done, for awakening my sensuality, helping me with my body image, and healing from the trauma of birth. It helped me to process the trauma of childbirth, because it’s one thing to do it intellectually but to process it physically was what was so profound and really helped me to acknowledge everything that happened and move on. Atira has helped me to move through experiences of pain to a new experience of pleasure. My body suddenly became a vessel of love, pleasure and fun.“ (Bec Heelan, Physical Trainer and Mother. Australia)

“Atira has been the vessel for my healing and transformation. She has truly inspired me in so many ways. Everything about her, her classes and her teachings have given me courage and strength to follow my heart path.” (Laura Solis, Mother & Dance Teacher, PachaMama Yoga Founder, Melbourne, Australia.)

Mehr über Atira Tan und ihre Organisation:
Atira has been teaching spiritual feminine embodiment & leadership for more than a decade. As a yoga and meditation teacher, women's activist, Creative Art Therapist (MA) and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Atira has dedicated her life to women's empowerment and freedom in the field of sex slavery and exploitation in Asia. A TEDx speaker, she is the founder of Art to Healing & Yoga for Freedom, an Australian charity supporting the trauma recovery of child sex slaves.

All proceeds of this workshop will go directly to Yoga for Freedom and Art to Healing, for the trauma-recovery of women and children who have experienced sex slavery in Nepal. For more info please head to

Vorgeschlagene Preisempfehlung (Spende):
EUR 50-70 oder CHF 60-80

Anmeldungen via Um Deine Matte zu reservieren, bezahle den Workshop schon heute auf folgendes Konto: Thurgauer Kantonalbank Kreuzlingen, IBAN CH 48 0078 4295 4386 1200 5, Kontoinhaber Kinga Toth, Vermerk „Spenden Event Atira Tan“. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt.