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Asana LAB mit Geoff Brooks aus Bali

  • yoga grenzenlos Hauptstr. 10 8280 Kreuzlingen (map)

Diese drei Immersions mit Geoff aus Bali könnten Deine Asana Praxis tiefgreifend verändern. Denn Geoff, ursprünglich Surflehrer aus Byron Bay/Australien und nun als Yogalehrer in Ubud/Bali tätig, wird Dich die Asana Praxis FÜHLEN, anstatt ausführen lassen.

Wir werden die Philosophie hinter den Asanas erforschen und die komplexen Abläufe der Energieverschiebung über die Praxis Schritt für Schritt anschauen.

Erste SessionErste Asanas und wie die Philosophie die Praxis der Achtsamkeit zu den Chakren vertieft. 
Zweite SessionVertiefung der 1. Session mit Variationen, Umkehrhaltungen und herausfordernden Übergangen. Alles angepasst an Deine Möglichkeiten.
Dritte SessionAaaah..... Erholung und Absorbierung der Lektionen, damit die Praxis Restspannungen lösen und nährend sein kann. 

Samstag, 8. September, 13-15h: 1 session CHF 40.-
Samstag, 8. September, 15.30-17.30h: 2 sessions CHF 70.-
Sonntag, 9. September, 17-19h: 3 sessions CHF 100.-

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1st session will cover primary Asana practice and how Yoga Philosophy supports the practice through Chakra awareness. 

2nd session literally will take your practice to the next level; includes deeper variations, inversions and high level transitions - all adapted to your own possibilities with free choice of alternatives.

3rd session - aaaah..... recoup and recharge! This third and last immersion will allow you to integrate and absorb the lessons of the previous day in order to utilize them in a way that creates nurture and restoration...

This life changing intensive program is designed for the Yoga Practitioner who wants to take their practice to the internal level, or; for the Yoga Teacher wanting to deepen their wisdom.

Based on Geoff’s 50hr YTT, Asana LAB explores yoga poses from a deep awareness of how a pose is meant to FEEL rather than simply how it is meant to look. You will explore the philosophy behind the Asana, dive deeply into Bandha, and dissect the intricate sensations of the way energy can be moved within the body through Yoga.

Geoff has been delivering versions of this over a period of almost 10 years after practicing various forms of Yoga and Martial Arts for over 30 years. This intensive cherry picks the best of the best of the techniques and tips that Geoff has accumulated from a variety of masters over the years and that he himself has, in turn, blended and refined in a manner that can be consumed with ease.

Join Geoff for a truly uplifting, yet challenging, experience. While there are many Yoga Teachers who can deliver great sequences, it is the gift of a true Master who can blend sequencing with wisdom, grace and the ability too blow your mind, open your heart, and awaken your body. All levels are welcome to these classes as Geoff teaches in a manner that progresses from pose to pose and builds up until the point that you can either accomplish a pose or remain open in a variation that suits your body type. …and yes… you can get the soundtrack if you request… Geoff loves his music as he practices.

Spirit Breath:
As the progress of Yoga moves from Asana to Pranayama we access more subtle energetic layers. These layers open our inner most latent energies and in doing so access our higher self… our Sprit. Spirit Breath follows ancient, structured, breath techniques (Pranayama) in a regulated and nurturing environment. You will explore the intimacy of your true nature: compassion, self trust, wisdom, strength and the ability to undo old habits in order to reshape into an awakened You. The key to Breath work is to be aware that while it often stirs up dormant energies, it is essential we learn how to regulate our response to these energies - to not simply go into the habit of reaction. Done correctly Breath Work is very nurturing, profoundly harmonising and can recalibrate our energy without going into our old stories. Geoff has almost 30 years experience in Pranayama and has fine tuned many of the ancient techniques to form this intensely gratifying experience.

Hours and costs:
Saturday, September 8th, 13-15h: 1 session CHF 40.-
Saturday, September 8th, 15.30-17.30h: 2 sessions CHF 70.-
Sunday, September 9th, 17-19h: 3 sessions CHF 100.-

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