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  • yoga grenzenlos 10 Hauptstrasse Kreuzlingen, TG, 8280 Switzerland (map)

A dynamic, Asana class focused on improved energetic alignment with some insightful variations using props to find a different awareness and support.

Followed by Lunar Pranayama and some Mantra to complete the evening.

Come and share some time on the mat, and in community.

The class is for all levels.

Über Stephen Thomas:

Stephen [eng] is an experienced Yoga teacher and practitioner. He leads classes, Teacher Trainings, Workshops and Immersions. His teaching is rooted in the traditional Yoga practices. His philosophical background is influenced by studies in Yoga as well as Buddhism. 

Stephen is long term student of  O.P. Tiwari of Kaivalyadham, India – a master in the science of Pranayama and Ayurveda. He combines that foundation with over 20 years of study and exploration in the fields of  Alignment based Asana. He has spent these decades refining an evolution of practice that has spanned many years in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Anusara and his love of Iyengar’s approach. He teaches in a way that understands the value of transformation through effort and dedication without imposing Dogma.

Stephen teaches at his own studio, SVARUPA in Bern and as a senior teacher at AIRYOGA in Zurich. He is a father and dedicates his time to family life, writing, documenting and researching Yoga.  He also works one-on-one with many students and helps to mentor teachers in the community.


CHF 55.-


Anmeldungen via den Link BUCHE DEINE MATTE hier unten, unseren Stundenplan oder über

Um Deine Matte zu reservieren, bezahle den Workshop schon heute auf folgendes Konto: Thurgauer Kantonalbank Kreuzlingen, IBAN CH 48 0078 4295 4386 1200 5, Kontoinhaber Kinga Toth, Vermerk „Special with Stephen Thomas“. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt. Wir bitten Dich, die Reservierungs- und Stornobedingungen der Workshops in unseren AGBs zu beachten.

Eine Masterclass hat im Vergleich zu einem Workshop eher einen fliessenden Wochenstunden-Charakter. Grundsätzlich geht es darum, mehr zu einem bestimmten Thema zu erfahren und / oder Techniken aus den eigenen Wochenklassen zu vertiefen.